Titles with 'Romance (shoujo-ai) Genre'
Comedy, High School, Romance, School Life, Seinen, Slapstick
Comedy, Harem, High School, Incest, Love Polygon, Romance, School Life, Sudden Girlfriend Appearance
Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Harem
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Shoujo
Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Mahou Shoujo
Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sudden Girlfriend Appearance
Comedy, Romance, School, Josei
Romance, School, Shounen, Psychological
Action, School, Shoujo Ai
Action, School, Shoujo Ai
Adventure, Airforce, Comedy, Parallel Universe, Romance, Seinen
Romance, Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life, School Life
Romance, Comedy, School Life, Drama
Romance, Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life, School Life
Comedy, Romance, Harem, Shounen
Comedy, Magic, Romance\r\n